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Cloud Security and Compliance Strategies to Enable Digital Transformation
March 17, 2023

Digital transformation has become critical for organizations to remain relevant and stay competitive. And cloud computing is a vital component in digitization. But while cloud can already be found everywhere and already supporting many businesses across all industries, cloud comes with its sets of challenges, particularly when it comes to adoption, security, and compliance. For successful digital transformation, companies must understand the reasons to use cloud security solutions and the cloud security strategies that ensure compliance.

What are the reasons to use cloud security solutions?

Reduce costs

Cloud computing saves you the costs of paying for dedicated hardware. And investing in cloud security means you’re proactively reducing the risks that would have come had you needed to hire internal security to safeguard dedicated hardware. By removing internal staff to handle security needs, you’re reducing ongoing operational and administrative expenses.

Provide centralized compliance

Cloud computing provides a centralized location to manage all your data, applications, and devices. Cloud security can be configured to fit the precise needs of your business, including configuring security measures that support regulatory compliance.

Guarantee flexibility

Thanks to the centralized nature of cloud solutions, cloud security scales with your cloud computing services, allowing you to easily integrate new applications and other new demands such as increased data storage.

Ability to integrate AI-ML-powered threat intelligence platforms

Artificial intelligence and machine learning have played significant roles in cloud security strategies. AI-ML-powered threat intelligence technologies provide benefits such as big data processing, event prediction, event detection and blocking, and delegation to automated technologies. 

Increase automation capabilities

Automation enhances cloud security solutions through continuous monitoring, evaluation, and correction. These benefits reduce time spent on security operations, reduce human error, increase compliance, improve security measures, and maintain security consistency.

So what are the cloud-security potential strategies that ensure compliance?

Design and implement cloud security controls

Allow best practices and methodologies leveraged by industry leaders to employ a cloud security framework. Existing cloud security controls, standards, and tools can provide a model for designing and developing your company’s security architecture.

Enhance security by defining different access levels

Increase security by ensuring that critical applications are accessed by relevant users. Start by identifying and defining roles and specifying grant permissions and access levels.

Improve data security

Manages and shared environments pose the highest risks, particularly for remote workforces. Establish data security with vaults and encrypting keys that are centrally managed and easily provisioned by an administrator.

Adopt cloud native security solutions

Using native controls helps bridge security gaps and prevents high-level threats by using threat intelligence and threat detection capabilities powered by AI.

Continuously monitor compliance

Be proactive about continuously and consistently monitoring compliance. A dedicated compliance team or manager should monitor, control, and study new data risks and cloud security threats.

To continue the conversation on cloud security and compliance strategies to enable digital transformation, read more here.

How the A4CEF Project helps ensuring this compliance?

The A4CEF project built capabilities, contributing to the European Cybersecurity Certification Framework (ECCF) and the EU Cloud Services (EUCS) scheme in particular.

The scheme defines 22 harmonized categories of security requirements on controls that will be applied in the context of European Certifications once adopted. The consortium worked among others on enhancing the internal capabilities of all the consortium partners, through newly developed training material on cloud computing certification, and through practical application of the certification processes previously defined and developed at NSAI, with the conduct of related cloud computing pilot certifications.

If you need to know more about the A4CEF project and its activities please visit this website: